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Release Notes for Ubuntu.
In addition to these Compiz benchmarks, on the same system we had also ran some additional benchmarks to see for gaming and 2D rendering how the two ATI Linux drivers compare. Phoronix Test Suite OpenBenchmarking. Does anyone know how I can get the open source driver? OpenGL video output -vo gl for mplayer works without tearing. There is still tearing, it doesn't seem to improve.
I have this problem since Hardy with comiz Radeon HD The Fiddler stapostol on No point in breaking something that works perfectly….
Please check with The new driver causes a hard lock on my system as soon as the tearfree option is enabled. October 31st, 6.
If by chance you can no longer reproduce the issue on Lucid or if you feel it is no longer relevant, please mark the bug report 'Fix Released' or 'Invalid' as appropriate, at the following URL:.
Since it's closed-source, only AMD can work on it and give efficient support, sourec the open-source community can generally not help you with problems. Still present with the newest driver fglrx 2.

During that examination, Fedora 7 Test 1 was used with the fglrx 8. Chipset Graphics cards and APUs Any screen real estate beyond the th pixel will likely eource a completely white background, and any windows beyond that point will leave massive trails behind it. October 31st, 4. One thing to note is the radeon driver in karmic has anti-tearing features when using XVideo.
CompizAndOpenSource - Compiz Wiki
Benjamin Drung bdrung on I'm looking forward to Ubuntu Opsn a good note, I have built, installed and set up the RadeonHD free xorg driver v1. Org Server or reboot computer.
There is no Compiz or compositing activated. Also voted for the bug in the ATI tracker. I have the same issue using the 9. Post Your Answer Discard By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our compuz terms of serviceprivacy policy and cookie policyand that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.
ATI with AIGLX - Compiz Wiki
I restarted with the FGLRX driver and played the video under vlc with the same options hardware acceleration disabled and there was still tearing. October 31st, 3. Most notably, Mesa 7. Chris Billington cjbil1 wrote on The problem with the HD series is that support for it in the open source driver only arrived around Christmas, so unless you are running the xorg-edgers PPA you would be better off with just soource the watermark for now. Unlike similar software on closed platforms, Compiz will always be available to you in-source and free of charge.
comipz Need to purge -fglrx" of this site: Only compiz ignores the opengl vsync setting. No tearing at all Desktop experience with or without compiz but very low performance when playing videos.
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